"From Revelation to Right Now"--A Study of Church History
We're familiar with the events recorded in the New Testament, and we're up to date on what's happening in Christianity today, but the centuries in between are a mystery to most believers. This class aims to change that! Starting after the completion of the Book of Revelation, this class by Pastor Tim Erickson is a survey of Church History from AD 100 until the present day. You can find audio recordings of the class sessions below.
During the course of this class, we watched a lecture on Martin Luther given by Dr. Stephen Nichols. You can find that lecture at this link. We also watched a lecture on John Calvin by Pastor Kevin DeYoung. You can find that lecture here.
During the course of this class, we watched a lecture on Martin Luther given by Dr. Stephen Nichols. You can find that lecture at this link. We also watched a lecture on John Calvin by Pastor Kevin DeYoung. You can find that lecture here.
Part 7: The Crusades (No recording of this lesson was captured. Please click here for the notes that were handed out in class.