Morningside Community Church--Montezuma, KS
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Prayer Meeting Survey
If you regularly attend our Thursday evening prayer meeting during the summer, which of the following statements best describe your reasons for coming?
I particularly enjoy praying with other people.
I enjoy hearing the updates on our missionaries and items on our church prayer list.
I like to hear others pray so I can learn from their example.
I just feel like I should be there.
Other (please specify below)
Please select all that apply to you.
If you selected Other, please specify your thoughts in the box below:
If you do not regularly attend our Thursday evening prayer meeting during the summer, which of the following statements best describe your thoughts?
I have another commitment on Thursday evenings.
My summer is so busy, its hard for me to add anything else to my schedule.
I am uncomfortable with praying in front of others.
I don't have childcare available during that time.
I just plain forget about it sometimes!
I didn't know about it.
Other (please specify below)
Please select all that apply to you.
If you selected Other, please specify your thoughts in the box below:
Is there a day of the week other than Thursday that would work better for you?
Please select one.